Get This Look: Colorful Cut Flower Bouquets
So much joy comes from heading out into the garden with a pair of scissors, cutting your favorite blooms, and bringing them indoors to enjoy! We are constantly impressed with the unique cut flower combinations our employees and customers come up with each season. Here are nine of our favorite cut flower bouquets to help inspire you!
Get This Look - Late Spring Flowers:
- Simple Peonies make a luscious bouquet
Get This Look - Summer Flowers:
- Bright yellow Sunflower
- Pink Cosmos
- Mixed pink and red Zinnias
- Blue Forget-Me-Not
- Soft pink Hydrangeas
Get This Look - Summer Flowers:
- Bright yellow and gold Sunflowers
- Pink Garden Phlox
- Mixed coral and red Zinnias
- Golden Black Eyed Susans (grow from plants or seeds)
- Soft pink Echinacea (grow from plants or seeds)
- Purple Salvia
Get This Look - Late Summer Flowers:
- Plains Coreopsis
- Pink and white Cosmos
- Pink and yellow Zinnias
- Golden orange Sulphur Cosmos
- Purple Scabiosa
- Scarlet Salvia
Get This Look - Late Summer Flowers:
- Tall pink Gladiolus
- Soft pink Anemone
- Ochre Gloriosa Daisy
- Golden Black Eyed Susans
Get This Look - Late Summer or Fall Flowers:
- Bright golden and red Sunflowers
- Hot pink Zinnias
- Orange and yellow Dahlias
Get This Look - Late Summer and Fall Flowers:
- A mix of Dahlias includes a range of colors and flower forms, including Ball Dahlias and Anemone Dahlias, for luxurious arrangement.
Get This Look - Fall Flowers:
- Pink and yellow Gladiolus
- Cactus Dahlias
- Bright Sunflowers
- Dusty pink Sedum
- Pale purple Asters