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Hostas: The Cornerstone of Shade Gardens

by Amanda

Hosta First FrostIt’s no surprise that Hostas are one of the most popular perennials for shady gardens; they thrive in most hardiness zones, add unique texture to the garden and provide a dramatic accent to some of your favorite blooms. There are many different varieties of Hostas, also known as Plantain Lilies, ranging from the classic green to stunning blue that will become dependable, hardy cornerstones in your garden.

What many gardeners don’t realize is that there are quite a few different varieties of Hosta So Sweet Hostas to choose from, each offering its own unique, dramatic statement in the garden. Hosta So Sweet has medium green leaves edged in white and its snow white flowers are wonderfully fragrant. Hosta June has pale green, heart-shaped leaves with blue green edges and gorgeous lavender flowers. Compact varieties for small space gardens or to tuck in between existing plants are Hosta Halcyon, which has gorgeous blue leaves and lavender flowers, or Lakeside Cupcake, which has contrasting blue-green and yellow leaves. Patriot is one of the more famous Hostas, with dramatically contrasting leaves of bright green and white with lavender flowers. For a larger, bolder Hosta try planting Frances Williams, which can Hosta Variegated Mixgrow up to 4’ wide and boasts blueish-green leaves edged in creamy yellow.

Plant several different varieties of Hostas together to create a diverse, textured look in your shady garden. They will not only provide a show with their gorgeous foliage, but will create added interest later on in the season with lovely blooms. What is your favorite Hosta? Feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy Gardening!