Inviting Pollinators To your Garden
The disappearing pollinator population is a phenomenon that affects our ecosystem in a huge way. Many know that the dwindling population is a problem, but few realize that we can help pollinators, simply by planting a garden! Whether you're planting in flower pots, garden beds, or sweeping meadows of wildflowers, each of us can make a difference for these important flying friends.
What Are Pollinators' Jobs in Nature?
There are a variety of different pollinators: bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, and several species of flies and beetles. These important species move pollen from a male flower to a female flower, eventually resulting in fertilization.
Many plants require this fertilization to reproduce and grow, meaning pollinators are essential to the stability of a healthy ecosystem - meaning pollinators are essential for the clean air we breathe, the clean water we drink, and the healthy food we eat!
Did you know that there are about 4,000 species of native bees in America? And that honeybees are not native to North America?
A recent study showed that at least 80% of the world's crop species require pollination to set seed, including, nuts, apples, strawberries, peaches, tomatoes, avocados, bananas, watermelon, cantaloupe, pumpkins, gourds, zucchini, passion fruit, cocoa, coffee, vanilla and many, many more.
Recent Decline of Pollinators
In the most recent decades, many pollinator populations are in decline, and some, such as several varieties of bees, are even in danger of extinction. This is not only devastating for the fact that we are losing an entire species from our planet, but this could bring forth dire circumstances for global food webs and human health.
How You Can Help
One of the best ways gardeners can help pollinators is by planting a pollinator garden. You can do this by planting pollinator-friendly perennial plants, or by planting wildflower seeds! Planting for pollinators can help benefit their depleting population and add extra color to your landscaping. If every gardener decided to plant their own "pollinator garden," we could really help make a difference for the disappearing population.
- Planting a mix of flowers with bloom times from early spring through fall will provide a consistent food supply for pollinators. A mix of plants also helps create a larger diversity of nectar and pollen sources.
- Grouping putting pollinator-friendly plants together in one area (groups of 5-7 of the same plant is optimal) helps to make their work a little easier, consequently reducing stress.
- Grow as many native plants as possible! Several varieties that are especially attractive to pollinators are penstemon, foxglove, peonies, black eyed susans, echinacea, sunflowers, bee balm, and more.
- Most importantly, avoid using chemical pesticides and herbicides! These have long-lasting damaging effects on pollinators, people, and soil health. Look for plants that are neonicotinoid free (as all of our wildflower seeds and bee-friendly plants are!)
For more pollinator garden tips, and favorite plants for popular pollinators, see our article: Attracting Hummingbirds, Bees & Butterflies
Wildflowers are also an easy way to grow a large area of pollinator-friendly plants!
Growing wildflower meadows results in a dense display of flowers. This is like a buffet for polliantors! Plus, our wildflower seed mixes make it easy to ensure there is always something blooming.
We've put together several wildflower mix specifically to help pollinators. Each mixture is designed with a variety of wildflowers that are all different colors, shapes, and bloom all season long, to attract a wide variety of pollinators to your garden.
Try our Honey Bee Wildflower Seed Mix, Beneficial Bug Seed Mix, Hummingbird & Butterfly Seed Mix, or plant a native mixture for your area.