Making Our Septic Area Beautiful in Connecticut
Dear American Meadows:
I really enjoyed the Member's Meadows section of your website, and thought I'd send along some pictures of my own.
Last summer was the third season of our meadow. My husband is not big on mowing, so instead of planting grass over our septic area with very rocky soil, he suggested we install a meadow. Preparation of the site was a bit of work, as we live in an area with very rocky soil, but what a beautiful show it has rewarded us with every year since!
I just love the masses of color as the daisies give way to black-eyed Susans, all punctuated by Sweet William in every color combination imaginable.
Thank you -- we are glad to have found you.
Donna Leedham
True Miller
Photo Note: These photos show the progression of wild perennials from the white daisies of early summer to Lanceleaf Coreopsis and Black-eyed Susans for mid-summer. The lower photo shows the same in a wider view with Sweet William in deep red, pink and other shades. Ms. Leedham planted our Northeast Mix, and after a first year of annuals, enjoys this more permanent progression of perennials.
Thank you, Donna, for sharing your photos. For years, we've recommended planting wildflowers when you have work done on a septic system or other lawn areas. It's a great chance to put in the flowers when the ground is already bare. Of course, a septic system is great as an underground watering source for the flowers, too. And unlike shrubs and trees, the roots of the wildflowers never grow deep enough to interfere with the underground plumbing.