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West Virginia Highway in Bloom!

Red Poppy Field in Virginia

West Virginia highways bloom with color from American Meadows

In early 2006, our long-time friend and customer, Anna Shahan, who operates Operation Wildflower in West Virginia was kind enough to send this beautiful photo for us to share with our members. Anna has overseen the West Virginia’s highway wildflower planting program there for years, and that’s why whenever you drive through that state, the roadside wildflowers are so beautiful. West Virginia’s roadside wildflower program is one of the most successful in the country.

Contest for Calendar Photos. In 2006, Anna staged a photography contest for a calendar she’s planning called “Roadsides in Bloom.” The entries could be photos of either natural bloom along the roads, or of some of the state’s planted wildflowers. One of the entries was a great planting of Red Poppies, Papaver rhoeas, that was planted by Anna’s crews with seeds from our company. We thank the West Virginian who took the picture and entered it, and we’re pulling for our red poppies to be one of the contest winners that go into the calendar. Thanks, Anna!