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All About Flower Power Daylilies

flower power

What’s a ‘Flower Power’ Daylily?

Daylilies are known for their toughness in the garden. Try as one might, Daylilies are pretty hard to kill. Forgetting to pamper them with regular watering and moving them around at less-than-ideal times are almost always forgiven, unlike other flowers which may not recover from your horticultural clumsiness.

Drought, heat, poor soil quality, and harsh winter all struggle to harm the Daylily.

This dependable resilience is why we see Daylilies planted in un-visited and inhospitable places. They fill in clay ditches and line roadsides, where plow trucks spray salt (and ruin soil) throughout the winter months. They take over the nutrient-poor soil that your house was built upon, hiding your ugly foundation when no other flowering plant feels up to the task. They lovingly hug the sides of old barns, where no one has ventured to water them in decades.


Daylilies will take great care of themselves once they're established.

Given that they come in a rainbow of colors and can practically sell themselves based on their unwillingness to cry 'uncle', it’s hard to understand why anyone would feel the need to improve upon the trustworthy Daylily. But oh, they have - and it’s no small improvement either!

Flower Power Daylilies: One Plant, 500 Blooms

Technically, Daylilies do have one weakness, minor as it may be. Their blooms last for only one single day, hence their well-suited name. So, the next time you pass that lovely mass planting of Daylilies on your favorite country road, consider that the following day those blooms will all be gone, and others will have taken their place.

So, with Daylilies, it’s not about the length of a single bloom, but the number of overall blooms that you’ll get within a single season. And therein lies the ‘room for improvement’ that plant breeders have been gunning for!

Introducing ‘Flower Power’ Daylilies - Daylilies that have been bred to produce hundreds upon hundreds of blooms per season, per plant. While the average Daylily yields 200 - 300 blooms each growing season, Flower Powers will put out many, many more – between 400 and 800 in a summer, depending upon the variety.

It’s important to note that this plethora of blooms will only reveal itself after your Flower Power Daylilies are established and have reached full maturity. You can expect to see plants dripping with hundreds of flowers per season, starting around years 3 or 4.

Learn How to Grow Daylilies.

A Rainbow of Reblooming Flower Power Daylilies

Now that you understand the 'super power' of Flower Power Daylilies, you’re in for a real treat. In addition to their multitude of blooms, Flower Powers have been bred in a grand selection of colors.

Moroccan Sunrise blooms in a deep, rich magenta hue with golden yellow centers. Heavenly Pink Fang has salmon-pink petals with lightly-faded center stripes, and ruffled-yellow edges. Spacecoast Early Bird stuns in pale peach with bright-orange stamens at its center.

Filling out the rainbow (minus the color blue, truth be told) are the Reblooming Daylilies – some of which are also dramatic Flower Powers. While most flowers have a set timeframe for producing blooms before fading into a foliage-only show until the following year, rebloomers flower more than once throughout the season. Often times this schedule means flowers to enjoy in spring and a second set in the fall; however, some rebloomers simply produce flowers on the same stalks repeatedly throughout the same growth cycle.


Among the reblooming Flower Power varieties, you’ll find Entrapment, which features ruffled, lavender blooms that open from tightly-closed yellow-tinged buds. This daylily can produce 800 blooms in one season!

Irresistible Charm has noticeably large blooms, appearing in a bold two-toned palette of bright yellow and deep orange. Another favorite is Simmons Overture, an exotic-looking rebloomer with pink petals brushed with deep burgundy, surrounding a golden center.

No matter your taste or the color scheme of your garden, your daylily options have officially grown, and in no small way! Choose Flower Power Daylilies in your favorite colors, with or without stripes and ruffles, and you’ll enjoy a festive, low-maintenance plant that will bring non-stop color and cheer to your property without any complaints.