See How Our Gardens Grow
By Amanda
American Meadows isn’t just a gardening company; we are a company of gardeners! Below you will find pictures and stories from several of our employee's gardens this season - We hope you enjoy.
Erin is one of our resident Master Gardeners and has a great eye for color combinations. Here are a few pictures from her own gardens, featuring Balloon Flower, Daisies, Echinacea, Rudbeckia, and Casa Blanca Lilies.

Tabar is another resident Master Gardener at American Meadows and has had a lot of fun this season with her gardens at her new home.
"My husband and I moved to a new home last September which had a blank slate as far as gardens go. The picture here shows some of the double daffodils and tulips which were my favorite. In the spring when it was appropriate to get the veggie gardens going we eagerly planted our seeds as well as some transplants we had started indoors, waited and weeded.
We've been rewarded with a HUGE bounty of herbs and veggies so far and we are thrilled to be able to harvest daily baskets of fresh veggies (including the most delicious beets Ive ever had!). We made a 4 giant batches of pesto yesterday with the basil harvest you see in the picture. We'll be having fresh pesto from our garden all winter long now!"

Paula has extensive gardens and has this to say about her photos.
"Bearded Iris: Even though Bearded Iris thrive in full sun, these have done so well under one of many Apple trees, planted alongside Swamp Milkweed, Hostas, Violas and Daylilies.
Stella D'Oro Daylilies & Butterfly Bush: My daughter's favorite color combo, pink and yellow. She insisted that we get the Miss Ruby Butterfly Bush (even though I wanted the Bi-Color), since she thought it would look better with the Stellas.
Poppies: Slowly starting a collection of Perennial Poppies, this is the first one that has made an appearance: the Carneum."

Deb says this of her raised vegetable garden .
"The American Meadows veggies are going gang buster in my raised beds. The far bed is masses of peas which I'm harvesting now...hidden in there is also basil, dill, cilantro and some yellow and zucchini squash. The front bed is beets, carrots, beans and cucumbers.

Greg has enjoyed turning his lawn into a wildflower meadow.
"I ripped up a large section of my lawn that was not doing very well and I didn't want to mow anymore. It was probably about 1/8 of the total area in the backyard and I seeded it with Fall Max Mix. That was 2 years ago and I have had recurring blooms that have been trying to expand every year. It has made maintaining my lawn much easier, added much needed color to the yard, and reduced the amount of gas I use in my lawn mower by a significant amount."
Michelle planted her vegetable seeds in a community garden near her home (below).
"My garden is in a wonderful community garden where it get lots of sun. Even though I started planting late, I have mesclun lettuce mix, beets, and beans ready to eat now. I also have carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, basil, sunflowers, zucchini, and peas which are thriving. Every time I go to the garden I find something new growing, so exciting!"

We are all passionate about gardening here at American Meadows and feel very fortunate to be able to come to work each day and share that passion with all of our customers.
Happy Gardening from the entire team at American Meadows!