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by Amanda

A common question every fall is, “when is it too late to plant?” The answer is simple: If you can dig a hole, you can plant a bulb! As long as the ground isn't frozen, go ahead and plant. I am in hardiness zone 4 (Vermont) and have about 100 fall bulbs, including daffodils, tulips, crocus, and allium that still need to be planted in my garden. The plan is to get to get them in the ground this weekend, but I still have a few weeks before the ground is completely frozen or...covered in snow (sigh). Fall bulbs love the cold weather and will not be damaged by planting later in the season. For those of you in warmer areas, order spring-flowering bulbs at any time to chill inside for spring planting. For more frequently asked questions, read our article “Fall Bulb FAQs.” If you are looking for a complete guide to planting fall bulbs, read “How to Plant Flower Bulbs.” Now, all you last minute gardeners – get outside and see how much room you have for fall bulbs. You will be thanking yourself in early spring when the tulips and daffodils poke their green heads above ground. As always, Happy (Fall) Gardening!