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by Amanda

Each year we receive hundreds of wildflower photos from our fabulous customers. These awe-inspiring shots range from sweeping meadows with thousands of blooms to small gardens planted with annuals. We have the amazingly fun job of looking through all of these wildflower photos throughout the year. You may have even noticed many of them on our Facebook or Instagram accounts.

In 2016 we received so many spectacular wildflower photos we decided to put together some of our favorite meadows for you to enjoy. We love spending the winter months planning and organizing for spring planting. We hope these customer meadows help inspire you to do the same!

Our Favorite Wildflower Photos From 2016

wildflower photos, northeast mix in maine
Northeast Wildflower Mix from Sugarloaf Ski Resort in Maine.
wildflower photos, pacific northwest
Pacific Northwest Wildflower Mix planted in a small garden, from Meegan D.
wildflower photos, pacific northwest
Pacific Northwest Wildflower Mix planted in a small garden, from Meegan D.
wildflower photos, echinacea
Echinacea from Martin P.
wildflower photos, mixed wildflowers
Mixed Wildflowers from Erika S.
wildflower photos, zinnia
Zinnia from Nancy R.
wildflower photos, northeast mix
Northeast Wildflower Mix from Michael F.
wildflower photos, northeast mix
Northeast Wildflower Mix from Michael F.
wildflower photos, sunflower
Sunflower Autumn Beauty from an anonymous customer.
wildflower photos, southeast mix
Southeast Mix from Chris W.
wildflower photos, morning glories
Morning Glories Grandpa Ott from an anonymous customer.
wildflower photos, wildflowers
Mixed Wildflowers from Joyce A.
wildflower photos, cosmos
Cosmos from Amanda S.
wildflower photos, mixed wildflowers
Mixed Wildflowers from Ben C.
wildflower photos, coreopsis
Coreopsis from Krystin S.

Whether you have acres of land or a small city plot, wildflowers are an easy, colorful solution for your landscape. Wildflowers – native or not – also help our disappearing pollinator population in a big way. A long-blooming meadow or plot of wildflowers provides food, habitat and breeding grounds for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. So as we look back at our favorite wildflower photos from 2016, we hope you’ll get inspired to plant your own meadow in 2017. We look forward to seeing your photos!