Asiatic Lily Mix
The Asiatic Hybrids are the lilies that are most popular in the florist trade. They are beautiful, easy and early to bloom, and appear on shorter plants than the others.
This mix includes one of each yellow, orange, and red, but exact varieties may vary depending on availability.
Spectacular lilies for your garden; it's easy. Everybody loves lilies, and today's hybrids are a snap to grow, unlike some of the more difficult ones of the past. Today's favorites are no more work than growing a tulip or daffodil. First, take a look at the combination photo below. The large picture of a red lily is Stargazer, the most famous Oriental Hybrid. Along with the famous white one, Casa Blanca, and other Oriental Hybrids, it's a big florist's favorite, and the ones in your garden will be just as lovely and fragrant as the ones you buy in any flower shop.