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Home / Flower Bulbs / Asiatic Lily Mix

Asiatic Lily Mix

SKU: AM003889
No longer available this season.
Plant the Asiatic Lily Bulbs Mix for a gorgeous rainbow of colorful blooms in early summer. Asiatic Lilies are extremely easy to grow and beloved in bouquets. A great choice for small, narrow spaces, these lilies take up very little room at ground level. Perfect for tucking in between perennials that are still filling out, use them to add extra color wherever it's needed. (Lilium)
key features
Botanical Name
Lilium Mix
Bee Friendly, Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy To Grow, Cut Flowers, Container Planting, Small Spaces
Growing Zones
Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9
Light Requirements
Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Soil Moisture
Mature Height
36-44" tall
Bulb Spacing
3 per sq ft or 8-12" apart
Bloom Time
Early to mid summer


Asiatic Lilies are extremely easy to grow and beloved in bouquets. Perfect for tucking in between perennials that are still filling out, use them to add extra color wherever it's needed. (Lilium)

Spectacular lilies for your garden; it's easy. Everybody loves lilies, and today's hybrids are a snap to grow, unlike some of the more difficult ones of the past. Today's favorites are no more work than growing a tulip or daffodil. The Asiatic Hybrids are the lilies that are most popular in the florist trade. They are beautiful, easy, and early to bloom, and appear on shorter plants than the others.