Bra Val Gladiolus
Bright, cheerful, and exuberant, 'Bra Val' Gladiolus is a joyful herald of the gardening season. Gladioli are easy-to-grow flower bulbs available in a rainbow of hues, from soft pastels to rich vivid hues. In early to mid-summer, long elegant flower spikes emerge over the strappy foliage, slowly revealing blooms from the bottom up. This flowering habit makes Gladiolus an excellent cut flower. Planting bulbs throughout the garden every two weeks from last frost to early summer will keep the color coming all the way through early fall. Planting deeply will help anchor tall plants, though light staking or protection from wind is recommended.
Gladioli are perennial in zones 8-11; in colder zones, they can be grown as annuals, or brought inside and stored for the winter. Gladioli are deer resistant, and toxic to dogs, cats and horses when ingested.