Calla Bouquet Collection
Our Calla Bouquet Collection features four Calla Lily varieties that are perfect for elegant cut flower bouquets and lavishly beautiful gardens. We plan, you plant: each collection is curated by our gardening experts, featuring plant groupings with complementary colors, heights, growing conditions. Callas are perennial in zones 8-10; In cooler zones, these bulbs can be dug after frost comes, stored over winter, then re-planted the following spring; if planted in containers, store in a frost-free place over the winter.
Our Calla Bouquet Collection is roughly 2-3 sq ft if planted together and contains 7 bulbs:
'White Florist' Calla Lily – 1 bulb
'Captain Violetta®' Calla Lily – 2 bulbs
'Ivory Art®' Calla Lily – 2 bulbs
'Picasso' Calla Lily – 2 bulbs
*Plants are subject to change due to availability. If we make substitutions, we feature plants with similar attributes suitable to the collection design.