Castle Drive Decorative Dahlia
SKU: AM021237
Shipping begins the week of May 6th, 2024
Like true love, prince charming, and a fairy godmother, ‘Castle Drive’ Decorative Dahlias are hard to find — and they're truly magical. Their subtle color variations complement rosy pinks and pastel yellows in your garden. Hardy yet delicate, these 5-inch Dahlia flowers will bring a smile to your face and a touch of fairy-tale charm to a potted display, floral arrangement, or bouquet.
key features
Botanical Name
Dahlia 'Castle Drive'
Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Hummingbirds, Easy To Grow, Cut Flowers, Container Planting
Growing Zones
Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9, Zone 10
Hardiness Zone
Zone 8, Zone 9, Zone 10
Lift in colder zones
Light Requirements
Full Sun
Soil Moisture
Mature Height
36-48" tall
Bulb Spacing
1 per sq ft
Bloom Time
Summer until frost
‘Castle Drive’ Decorative Dahlias are hard to find and truly magical. Decorative Dahlias are the perfect choice for big blooms that shine in the garden and cut flower bouquets. Available in a wonderful array of colors and styles, Decorative Dahlias are the largest category of Dahlias. Large double blooms typically grow up to 5 inches across. Plant abundantly – you can’t have too many of these picture-perfect blooms!
Like all Dahlias, these prefer in a sunny spot, in good loamy soil that drains well. Keep moisture consistent once your tubers begin to grow and enjoy a non-stop parade of blooms. Some staking may be required for larger plants, thanks to the large, heavy flowers.
In colder zones, tubers can be dug after frost comes, stored over winter, then re-planted the following spring.