Cheops Gladiolus
(36-48” tall x 18” wide) Cheops Gladiolus will add a classic pink note to your beds and borders almost effortlessly! Slip the spring planted corms in between other favorite perennials in the middle of a sunny bed of rich soil and by mid-summer you’ll have 3-4 ft. spikes of multi-toned pink adding texture and shape to your garden. The impressive blooms open along flowering stems from the bottom up, revealing trumpets of soft shell pink edged in raspberry. Their tall but slender profile makes them excellent cut flowers for dramatic floral arrangements indoors. Their narrow profile makes them perfect for slipping in between other perennials. Or grow them en masse for maximum impact. Give Cheops Gladiolus good, moisture-retentive soil that is free draining to support healthy roots and new corm development and consider giving them a site sheltered from wind to alleviate any staking issues as they begin to put on size. A classic glad for a classic border!