Mojito Elephant Ear
SKU: AM005748
Shipping begins the week of March 17th, 2025
Splashed with chartreuse and rich violet tones, ‘Mojito’ Elephant Ears has large colorful foliage, amazing vigor, and a heat-loving attitude. Stems reveal a beautiful mottling that makes this plant a great choice to stand along to to enrich a colorful planting design. Energize your summer garden with deer-resistant arrow-shaped leaves in large containers, garden beds, or nestled against the margins of water features. Bring happy hour to your summer garden, patio or balcony with a few easy-to-grow ‘Mojito!’(Colocasia esculenta)
key features
Botanical Name
Colocasia esculenta 'Mojito' PP21995
Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Easy To Grow, Striking Foliage, Container Planting
Growing Zones
Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9, Zone 10, Zone 11
Hardiness Zone
Zone 8, Zone 9, Zone 10, Zone 11
Bring indoors in colder zones
Light Requirements
Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Soil Moisture
Average, Moist / Wet
Mature Height
24-36" tall
Bulb Spacing
3-4 ft wide
Bloom Time
Foliage plant all season
(36” tall x 36” wide) ‘Mojito’ Elephant Ears takes tropical foliage to a new level. The long, mottled stems of ‘Mojito’ are topped with large 15-18” leaves that slowly unfurl in tones of green and chartreuse, liberally painted with vibrant splashes of purple. As the summer wears on and other plants grow weary, Elephant Ears (Colocasia) become more vigorous – colorful right up until the first frost! Plant Colocasia ‘Mojito’ in spring in a sunny or part-sun location in moisture-retentive soil after all danger of frost has passed, and feed and water regularly for best results. Gardeners in zones 8-10 can leave ‘Mojito’ in the ground for next year’s display. In colder zones, it will need to be dug or the container brought into a cool, dry, dark space above 40F, such as a garage or basement. Elephant ears are seldom severely damaged by deer.