Limited Edition Spring Is Here Bulb Collection
Our Limited Edition Spring Is Here Bulb Collection will light up your shade garden or summer containers with flowers and foliage. Repeat the collection to fill larger spaces. These tropical bulbs need warmth to sprout and thrive. If planting outdoors, be sure to plant these bulbs in warm soil over 65°F (typically May or June), or pot them earlier indoors, so the soil will be warm enough for bulbs to sprout before moving them outside. Begonias are hardy in zones 8-10, and Caladiums are hardy in zones 9-10; These tender bulbs are considered annuals in all cooler USDA zones, or they can be lifted and stored in a cool, dry, dark place to re-plant for the following year.
Our Limited Edition Spring Is Here Bulb Collection includes 9 bulbs, covering roughly 3 sq. ft. when planted together:
Double Yellow Begonia – bag of 3 bulbs
Cascading Begonia Mix – bag of 3 bulbs
‘Tapestry’ Caladium – bag of 3 bulbs