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Nathalie Hardy Gladiolus

SKU: AM018866
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bag of 25 $1.33/corm
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Nathalie Hardy Gladiolus combines excitement with elegance in a hardy, compact package. Tall spikes of Salmon-orange blossoms have accents of deeper orange and cream, creating an exciting effect that will heighten your border color schemes in summer. Nathalie Hardy Gladiolus makes an excellent cut flower, but is loved by pollinators and hummingbirds if you cant bear to bring armfuls indoors! Hardy Galdiolus is a perfect choice for colder areas since it's perennial in zones 5-8.
key features
Botanical Name
Gladiolus nanus 'Nathalie'
Deer Resistant, Easy To Grow, Cut Flowers, Container Planting
Growing Zones
Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9, Zone 10
Light Requirements
Full Sun
Soil Moisture
Mature Height
18-24" tall
Bulb Spacing
12 per sq ft
Bloom Time
Late spring to late summer


(18-24” tall x 4-6” wide) A hardy Gladiolus loved by British and European gardeners, ‘Nathalie’ Hardy Gladiolus is a hybrid that combines striking good looks with a more versatile size than traditional Glads – which cuts down on the chores of summer staking and fall digging. The gorgeous blossoms of ‘Nathalie’ Hardy Gladiolus are salmon colored, with strong burnt-orange markings on the bottom petals that give them exciting depth. Plant corms six inches deep at a rate of 12 per square foot in well-drained, average soils in full sun. The sword-like foliage will emerge first, creating low vertical accents in the spring garden, followed by tall flowering spikes in summer that open slowly from the bottom up. Well-drained soils are key to keeping these beauties over the winter. For gardeners in zones colder than their range, the corms can be brought inside and stored in slightly dampened sawdust in the winter. Otherwise, cut back the stems, mulch well, and look forward to years of enjoyment as the corms will increase with time. Mulching corms in autumn and ensuring they are sited in well-drained soil will allow this Gladiolus to stretch to the ends of  its hardiness limits.