Single Yellow Freesia
SKU: AM018408
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Single Yellow Freesia illuminates the summer garden with sprays of fragrant, long-lasting flowers on lovely arching stems. This charming flower is at home in the garden and in a bouquet. Find the right spot for them and they will reward you with fragrant, beautiful flowers for weeks on end. Rabbit and deer resistant.
key features
Botanical Name
Freesia Single Yellow
Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Cut Flowers, Fragrant, Container Planting
Growing Zones
Zone 9, Zone 10
Light Requirements
Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Soil Moisture
Mature Height
12-16" tall
Bulb Spacing
12 per sq ft
Bloom Time
Late spring
12-16" tall x 12" wide. Single Yellow Freesia sports cheerful yellow flowers that delight in garden and in vase. This versatile flower is a must-have addition to the summer garden where its flowers will bloom 10-12 weeks from planting. Plant in succession for a long season of brilliant flowers. Plant bulbs 2" deep and 3" apart in groups of at least 6-8 for best results. Keep soil moist through flowering, then reduce watering and allow foliage to yellow and wilt. For cut flowers, harvest when a couple of buds have opened, and these long-lasting flowers can last up to three weeks in a vase. Freesia grows best with moderately warm days (70°F), and they may not flower in intense heat with temperatures above 70°F. Plant them in containers so you can move them to the perfect spot. If you live in zones 9-10, Freesia will overwinter and re-appear the following spring. For colder zones (2-8), plant these bulbs in the spring as annuals, then lift the bulbs in fall once flowering has finished and the plant's foliage has withered; let them dry and store in a cool, dry location (55°F) for replanting the next spring.