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Regale Trumpet Lily Bulbs

SKU: AM015586
per Bag of 3
No longer available this season.
'Regale' Trumpet Lily is famous for its prolific and deeply fragrant white blooms. As many as 25 pink buds appear on each stalk, opening to reveal flowers with glowing golden throats and pink and lavender exterior stripes. Plant this one where you can view it up close - its nectar is a first-choice food for butterflies and hummingbirds. (Lilium longiflorum)
key features
Botanical Name
Lilium longiflorum Regale
Attracts Butterflies, Easy To Grow, Cut Flowers, Fragrant, Small Spaces
Growing Zones
Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9
Light Requirements
Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Soil Moisture
Mature Height
36-40" tall
Bulb Spacing
3 per sq ft or 8-12" apart
Bloom Time
Early to late summer


No, this is not the Easter Lily. Its quite a bit larger, in both plant and flower, and the bloom is famous for it's striking pink/lavender colors on the reverse side of each petal, and the glowing golden throat.

The Fascinating story of the Regal Lily During the Victorian period, European plant explorers, mostly British, tramped endlessly through the world's jungles as Plant Explorers looking for 'new' species. Their exotic finds poured into Europe and the US like a flood as gardeners took one new plant after another into their hearts and into their gardens.

Probably the most famous explorer was a British botanist named E. H. Wilson. He discovered so many plants in China that he ended up being nicknamed 'Chinese Wilson.'

During the early 1900s, Dr. Wilson was recruited to the US by Boston's Arnold Arboretum, and working for them, revisited the Orient many times. On one historic occasion in Western China, he spotted a spectacular wild lily blooming in a ravine. He became so excited, he lost his footing trying to reach it, and tumbled down the steep slope. He did get to the lily, of course, but not until doing permanent damage to one of his legs in the fall. For the rest of his life, Dr. Wilson walked with the result, which he called his 'lily limp.'

The famously seductive wild lily was Lilium regale which the world soon knew as The Regal Lily.

In fact, the introduction of Wilson's magnificent L. regale rocked the gardening world overnight. And the rest is, literally, history. The Regal Lily is still one of the most treasured garden lilies, even though it has served as parent to a whole host of hybrids called 'The Trumpet Lilies'. But ask any expert: none of the hybrids are as lovely as the original.

Regal lilies are very easy to grow, but sometimes need staking since they grow quite tall and throw many large blooms. But who cares? The sheer beauty and incredible fragrance of this garden monarch should earn it an honored place in any gardener's collection.