Warm Glow Tulip Bulb Collection
The Warm Glow Tulip Bulb Collection includes 10 bulbs each of 3 tulip varieties that bloom in fiery shades of red, orange and yellow. Easy to plant, easy to grow, and tolerant of both full sun and partial shade locations, this group brings rich, gorgeous color to the mid spring landscape. Includes carmine red 'Parade' Darwin Tulips, reddish-pink-orange 'Jimmy' Triumph Tulips, and yellow with rosy red highlights 'Akebono' Darwin Tulips.
Our Warm Glow Tulip Bulb Collection is roughly 3 sq ft and contains 30 bulbs:
10 x 'Akebono' Darwin Tulip - 10 bulbs
10 x 'Parade' Darwin Tulip - 10 bulbs
10 x 'Jimmy' Triump Tulip - 10 bulbs
*Plants are subject to change due to availability. If we make substitutions, we feature plants with similar attributes suitable to the collection design.