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Wild Tulip Bulbs Red Gem

SKU: AM005177
No longer available this season.
A petite tulip, the Red Gem is as cute as it is bold. Red Gem is a unique tulip due to both its size and narrow petals. Great for any gardening enthusiast who wants to add some fun, unusual interest to their gardens. Perfect for borders and container gardens, Red Gem blooms in mid spring. (Tulipa Specialty)
key features
Botanical Name
Tulipa batalinii
Easy To Grow, Naturalizes, Cut Flowers, Container Planting
Growing Zones
Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9, Zone 10
Light Requirements
Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Soil Moisture
Dry, Average
Mature Height
4-6" tall
Bulb Spacing
9 per sq ft
Bloom Time
Mid spring


One of the most important original species, this one has been cultivated in Holland since 1590, which means from the very beginning. Like other species tulips, it is very small, with jewel-toned colors. Like the others, it is dependable perennial and very useful for early color in a rock garden, in the front of a border, meadow, or any spot where its brilliant beauty can be appreciated. The bulbs are small, so planting takes just minutes. And you'll enjoy these little beauties during early spring every year from the day you plant them.

Probably the best-known wild tulip, Tarda is becoming so popular, it was named 'Flower Bulb of the Year' in Holland for 1997, the only species bulb ever honored with the title.

The Wild Tulips: There are about 150 species of tulips that occur in the wild from Central Asia all the way to Spain and Portugal. Most are native to rocky, arid regions east of Europe. It is hard to believe that these little flowers, more the size of crocus, are the original forms of the big flashy hybridized tulips we all know and love. But to any wildflower gardener who looks close, the brilliant colors and even the petal shapes and other characteristics are there. (By the way, all the species bulbs we sell are produced in Holland, so they are never gathered in the wild in their native lands.) They are all really botanical heirlooms in the truest sense, and deserve a place in every wild garden.