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No Mow Lawn Grass Seed

SKU: AM016055
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5 pounds $10.19/lb
10 pounds $9.35/lb
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• Grow our No Mow Lawn Grass Seed to save time, water, and money while enjoying your attractive, low-maintenance lawn
• This mix of dwarf fine fescue grasses will grow to create a thick, deep green carpet of finely textured turf
• With deep roots, these fescues create a lawn that is durable, drought tolerant, and ideal for high traffic areas
• Skip mowing altogether for a naturalistic look, or mow as little as once a month!
100% pure, non-GMO and neonicotinoid free

key features
Growing Zones
Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7
Life Cycle
Light Requirements
Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Soil Moisture
Seed Coverage
5 lbs covers 1,000 sq ft.
10 lbs covers 2,000 sq ft.


Our No Mow Grass Seed Mix is the solution for a low-maintenance drought tolerant lawn. This is a cool season grass mix, featuring six dwarf fine fescue grasses - Jamestown Chewing Fescue, Quatro Sheep Fescue, Sea Link Slender Fescue, Sword Fescue, Aurora Fescue, and Kent Creeping Fescue.

This specially blended mix of grasses has been formulated to create a lawn with deep fibrous roots; this helps to increase its durability in high traffic areas. Dense, deep roots also create a drought tolerant lawn; No Mow turf typically only needs about 4” of rain per month, requiring little additional irrigation, except during dry spells without summer rains. Left un-mowed, the grass blades create a wonderfully soft, swirling pattern. For a more manicured look, it can be cut once every four to six weeks to a height of 3" to 4". This grass mix can tolerate shade; in summer or anytime the average temperature is above 80°F, it should be kept at 3″ or taller to prevent the ends from rusting or burning.

This mix is suited for a wide range of the United States and is best for regions in the cooler average-rainfall areas of the upper Midwest, northeastern US, and higher elevations of the West (See recommended planting area map in product photos). No Mow is best sown in March through early May, or late August through September. This grass grows best at and around 70°F.