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Buttonbush is a native shrub recognized by the Xerxes Society for its value to honeybees as well as bumblebees and other native bees. The pincushion-like flowerheads are packed with tiny white tubular flowers that also attract butterflies, skippers, flower flies, and beneficial wasps. Over twenty species of birds feed on the seed heads, including both songbirds and waterfowl, as Buttonbush plants commonly grow in marshes, lakesides, and along creek edges. Their native range extends from New Brunswick to Quebec, south to Florida and Texas. In addition to waterside sites, Buttonbush is also found on prairie swales and limestone bluffs. Plants flower best with full sun to part shade. Plant this deer-resistant shrub with moisture-loving perennials like Joe Pye Weed, Common Boneset, and Swamp Milkweed.