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Pink Pewter Lamium

SKU: AM016195
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plant - 3" pot
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Pink Pewter is a great groundcover for shady areas with bright bloom from late spring into summer. (Lamium maculatum)
key features
Botanical Name
Lamium maculatum Pink Pewter
Deer Resistant, Rabbit Resistant, Groundcover, Easy To Grow, Long Bloom Time, Naturalizes, Evergreen, Mass Plantings
Growing Zones
Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8
Light Requirements
Half Sun / Half Shade, Full Shade
Soil Moisture
Average, Moist / Wet
Mature Height
6-8" tall.
Mature Spread
12-24" wide.
Bloom Time
Late spring to fall


The Lamiums are called by the somewhat alarming name, Dead Nettle, but that means only this amazing little plant is related to stinging nettle (a rough weed) and doesn't being a dead nettle is a good thing.

The strange name aside, these short plants(6-10 high), when well grown, can add glistening sheets of color to shady areas were color may be missing. Plant them with Hostas, Bleeding Hearts, and other shade-lovers. They cover  the ground so completely they smother out any invading weeds.