Lenten Rose Pink Fizz
Hellebores demand good humusy soil and partial or full shade, much like many of our woodland wildflowers. Lots of gardeners use them in pots on shady patios. The plants usually stay around a foot in height, and the stunning flowers often last for months, so be sure to site them where you'll enjoy the bloom.
These are evergreen plants in warmer climates, so if you live in a heavy winter area, you may want to pot your Lenten Roses and bring them into a protected place during the coldest months.
You may have also heard of the Christmas Rose. Its another species of Hellebore, and blooms during the winter.
More Info: There is a nursery in West Virginia named Sunshine Farm and Garden, operated by the Lenten Rose guru, a guy named Barry Glick. They are the true experts, and a visit to their fascinating website will tell you all you need to know: Sunshine Farm & Garden