Gold Breeze Miscanthus Grass
60-84" tall (5-7 feet) x up to 60" (5 ft wide). Gold Breeze Miscanthus Grass is also called “Zebra Grass” for its distinctive horizontal yellow and green stripes. This is a large ornamental grass that can function as a small shrub or backdrop in the perennial garden or foundation landscape, adding bright color everywhere it is planted. Ornamental grasses, and Gold Breeze is no exception, create dynamic movement in the garden wherever they are planted. In the late summer, Gold Breeze flowers with deep red, tassle-like plumes. Leave it standing through fall and early winter for late-season interest. Cut back in early spring before new growth emerges. Plant Gold Breeze in full sun in moist, well-drained soils. It is deer resistant and will tolerate poor soils.