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Monarch Magnet Pre-Planned Garden

SKU: AM021405
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three gardens $6.75/plant
garden of 18 $7.04/plant
Shipping begins the week of April 14th, 2025
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AK, HI, GU, PR, VI, and CAN.More Information
Plant our Monarch Magnet Pre-Planned Garden, and they will come! This brilliant arrangement includes vital Butterfly Weeds that are the growing Monarch’s only food source, as well as six essential nectar plants favored by the adult butterflies. Attract monarchs and bring a vibrant dose of color and beauty to your yard. This Pre-Planned Garden comes with a garden layout map to make planting easy.
Order our pack of Three Gardens to save per plant, repeating the garden to cover more area in your landscape.
key features
Bee Friendly, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Birds, Attracts Beneficial Insects, Deer Resistant
Growing Zones
Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8
Light Requirements
Full Sun
Soil Moisture
Mature Height
Heights range from 16-48" tall
Mature Spread
Garden is 6 x 12 ft wide
Bloom Time
Late spring to fall


Our Monarch Magnet Pre-Planned Garden includes expertly selected plants that attract and support the entire lifespan of Monarch butterflies. Give these long-lived perennial plants plenty of space to spread and establish themselves, and graceful Monarchs are sure to arrive.

Our Monarch Magnet Pre-Planned Garden is designed to be roughly 6 x 12 ft and includes care instructions, a planting map and 18 plants:

Shipped as Potted Plants:
3 x Butterfly Weed
3 x Swamp Milkweed
3 x 'Purple Dome' New England Aster
3 x 'Becky' Shasta Daisy
3 x 'Walker's Low' Nepeta
1 x 'Jacob Cline' Bee Balm
2 x PowWow® 'Wild Berry' Echinacea 

*Not all plants will be in bloom at the same time, as depicted in the illustration. Plants are subject to change due to availability. If we make substitutions, we feature plants with similar attributes suitable to the garden design.

American meadows box of plants set on ground waiting to be planted