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The Monarch Highway Wildflower Seed Mix

SKU: AM021462
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Did you know that Monarch Butterflies migrate as far as 3,000 miles to reach their winter homes? Grow our exclusive Monarch Highway Wildflower Seed Mix to support the Monarch Butterfly’s migration journey! This mix includes Milkweed, their host plant, as well as nectar plants, to support the full lifecycle of Monarch Butterflies. This mix includes all US native wildflower species, plus Zinnias, which are native to the Monarch Butterfly’s winter habitat. At American Meadows, our mixes are 100% pure seed, non-GMO, neonicotinoid-free, and guaranteed to grow.

A portion of proceeds from this mix will support Pollinator Partnership

key features
Bee Friendly, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Hummingbirds, Attracts Birds, Attracts Beneficial Insects, Easy To Grow, Long Bloom Time, Cut Flowers, Mass Plantings
Growing Zones
Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9
Life Cycle
Mix of Annuals & Perennials
Light Requirements
Full Sun
Soil Moisture
Average, Moist / Wet
Mature Height
Heights vary from 12-72" tall
Seed Coverage
1/4 lb covers 250-500 sq ft.
1/2 lb covers 500-1,000 sq ft.
1 lb covers 1,000-2,000 sq ft.
5 lbs covers 5,000-10,000 sq ft.
10 lbs covers 10,000-25,000 sq ft.
25 lbs covers 1/2-1 acre.
50 lbs covers 1.5-2 acres.
Bloom Time
Late spring to frost


American Meadows Limited Edition Iconic Meadow Mixes are inspired by breathtaking wildflower meadows across the country. With our 2024 exclusive Monarch Highway Wildflower Seed Mix, you can create Monarch Butterfly habitat to support their long migration journey. Every fall, Monarchs fly from their summer habitats in the United States and Canada to their overwintering habitat in Mexico. For some, that can be as far as 3,000 miles! Monarch Butterflies are at risk due to habitat loss – but the more that we grow host plants and nectar plants along their migration path, the more we can support the rebound of a healthy Monarch Butterfly population!

This mix includes a variety of Milkweed species, the host plant for Monarch Butterfly caterpillars; Milkweeds are the only plants that Monarch butterflies will lay their eggs on – and the only plants that Monarch caterpillars require to grow into adult butterflies. Abundant wildflowers with plenty of nectar will fuel adult Monarch Butterflies as they migrate to and from their warm winter climates. In addition to supporting Monarch Butterflies, this wildflower mix will attract a wide variety of birds and pollinators to your yard.

What's in this Mix

This mix includes 15 wildflowers, 3 annuals for first-year color, 1 biennial for second season color, and 11 perennials for blooms in the second season and beyond.

Botanical Name Common Name Life Cycle Native To Height Bloom Season
Asclepias incarnataAsclepias incarnataSwamp MilkweedPerennialNorth America36-48"Summer
Asclepias syriacaAsclepias syriacaCommon MilkweedPerennialNorth America30-60"Summer
Asclepias tuberosaAsclepias tuberosaButterfly WeedPerennialNorth America12-24"Spring, Summer, Fall
Coreopsis lanceolataCoreopsis lanceolataLance Leaf CoreopsisPerennialNorth America12-30"Spring, Summer
Echinacea pallidaEchinacea pallidaPale Purple ConeflowerPerennialNorth America24-36"Summer
Eutrochium maculatumEutrochium maculatumSpotted Joe Pye WeedPerennialNorth America5-8'Summer, Fall
Helianthus maximilianiHelianthus maximilianiMaximilian SunflowerPerennialNorth America36-120"Summer
Helianthus petiolarisHelianthus petiolarisPrairie SunflowerAnnualNorth America40-60"Summer, Fall
Rudbeckia hirtaRudbeckia hirtaBlack Eyed SusanBiennialNorth America12-36"Summer, Fall
Rudbeckia laciniataRudbeckia laciniataWild Golden GlowPerennialNorth America36-48"Summer, Fall
Solidago speciosaSolidago speciosaShowy GoldenrodPerennialNorth America24-36"Summer
Symphyotrichum laeveSymphyotrichum laeveSmooth Blue AsterPerennialNorth America24-48"Late Summer, Fall
Symphyotrichum novae-angliaeSymphyotrichum novae-angliaeNew England AsterPerennialNorth America36-72"Late Summer, Fall
Zinnia elegans 'California Giants'Zinnia elegans 'California Giants'California Giants ZinniaAnnualNorth America: Mexico24-48"Summer, Fall
Zinnia elegans 'Lilliput'Zinnia elegans 'Lilliput'Lilliput ZinniaAnnualNorth America: Mexico18-24"Summer, Fall