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Native Bee Banquet Wildflower Seed Mix

SKU: AM021459
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Want to help our native bees and pollinators? Grow our exclusive Native Bee Banquet Wildflower Seed mix to feed the bees with a buffet of blooms. It features 16 native high-nectar wildflowers, including 8 keystone species. Keystone plants are proven to increase biodiversity and provide the greatest benefit to ecosystem health. From spring through fall, you can enjoy a display of beautiful flowers that provide a reliable food source to nourish native bees and other pollinators too. This exclusive wildflower seed mix is 100% pure seed, non-GMO, neonicotinoid-free, and guaranteed to grow.
key features
Native, Bee Friendly, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Hummingbirds, Attracts Birds, Attracts Beneficial Insects, Long Bloom Time, Naturalizes, Mass Plantings
Growing Zones
Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9, Zone 10
Life Cycle
Mix of Annuals & Perennials
Light Requirements
Full Sun
Soil Moisture
Dry, Average, Moist / Wet
Mature Height
Heights vary from 12-60"
Seed Coverage
1/4 lb covers 250-500 sq ft.
1/2 lb covers 500-1,000 sq ft.
1 lb covers 1,000-2,000 sq ft.
5 lbs covers 5,000-10,000 sq ft.
10 lbs covers 10,000-25,000 sq ft.
25 lbs covers 1/2-1 acre.
50 lbs covers 1.5-2 acres.
Bloom Time
Spring through frost


Did you know that there are over 4,000 North American native bee species? This includes 49 species of bumblebee, as well as sweat bees, miner bees, squash bees, leafcutter bees, and many more. Unlike honeybees, there are no native bees that produce honey, and most do not live in hives or sting! About 25-50% of native bees are specialists – meaning they have adapted to gather nectar and pollen from a specific type of flower. This wildflower mix includes a range of native wildflowers that will nourish dozens of specialist bee species. Did you know that honeybees are not native to North America? They were introduced by humans as part of our agricultural landscape, for uses such as pollinating crops, making honey and beeswax. A honeybee can consume up to 5x as much as a solitary native bee.

What’s the buzz? Our exclusive Native Bee Banquet Wildflower Seed Mix was carefully curated to provide a buffet of blooms that support a healthy ecosystem for our native bees. Pollinator populations have plummeted in recent decades due to habitat loss, pesticide use, and various other factors. However, we can all play a part in making it better by rebuilding habitat in our own yards to support bees, butterflies, and other flying friends. Native wildflowers play an essential role in a thriving ecosystem. This mix features native wildflowers with wide native ranges across large areas of the United States, adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions.

See mix details below.

What's in this Mix

This mix includes 16 wildflowers, 5 annuals for first-year color, 1 biennial for second season color, and 10 perennials for blooms in the second season and beyond.

Botanical Name Common Name Life Cycle Native To Height Bloom Season
Dalea candidaDalea candidaWhite Prairie CloverPerennialNorth America18-36"Summer
Dalea purpureaDalea purpureaPurple Prairie CloverPerennialNorth America12-36"Summer
Echinacea purpureaEchinacea purpureaPurple ConeflowerPerennialNorth America24-36"Summer
Gaillardia pulchellaGaillardia pulchellaFirewheelAnnualNorth America: Eastern, Mexico12-24"Summer
Helianthus petiolarisHelianthus petiolarisPrairie SunflowerAnnualNorth America40-60"Summer, Fall
Heliomeris multifloraHeliomeris multifloraShowy GoldeneyePerennialNorth America12-48" Summer, Fall
Liatris spicataBlazing StarPerennialNorth America24-48"Summer, Fall
Lupinus densiflorusLupinus densiflorusGolden LupineAnnualNorth America24-36"Spring, Summer
Lupinus succulentusLupinus succulentusArroyo LupineAnnualNorth America24-48"Spring, Summer
Monarda fistulosaMonarda fistulosaWild BergamotPerennialNorth America24-48"Summer, Fall
Penstemon strictusPenstemon strictusRocky Mountain PenstemonPerennialNorth America24-36"Summer
Phacelia tanacetifoliaPhacelia tanacetifoliaLacy PhaceliaAnnualNorth America12-24"Spring, Early Summer
Rudbeckia hirtaRudbeckia hirtaBlack Eyed SusanBiennialNorth America12-36"Summer, Fall
Salvia farinaceaSalvia farinaceaBlue SagePerennialNorth America24-26"Spring, Summer
Solidago speciosaSolidago speciosaShowy GoldenrodPerennialNorth America24-36"Summer
Verbesina alternifoliaVerbesina alternifoliaWingstemPerennialNorth America24-60" Late Summer, Fall