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Customer Success Stories: Southeast Wildflower Meadows

Look what your neighbors in the Southeast are doing! We've received great photos and stories from our members for over 25 years. You'll find our "Members' Meadows" archive packed with great ideas and how-to tips. Enjoy!

Orange and Red wildflowers blooming

A volunteer church project turned an unused area into a meadow of bloom. The church is on a major thoroughfare, so passers-by enjoy the wildflowers as much as the church members.

red poppies and other wildflowers blooming in meadow

Member Vivian Hull seeded Red Poppies and other wildflowers around the grounds of her historic Tennessee farmhouse. Now the flower show stops traffic.

Wildflower meadows growing outside of Ritz Carlton in florida

One of Florida's finest hotels created a big show on their golf course. Seeded in Oct., its a great example of fall planting and winter bloom in frost-free climates.

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