by Amanda
After browsing through hundreds of spectacular garden photos submitted to our spring photo contest, we feel as though we got the unique chance to step into your gardens for a moment. From sweeping spring wildflower meadows, to cheerful spring groupings of Tulips and Daffodils, and awe-inspiring closeups of pollinators on your flowers, we are truly impressed with all of your garden photos.
But, as with every photo contest, we had the daunting task of choosing a handful of winning photos from the amazing collection, and this spring it was as hard as ever. Congratulations to our winning photographers - and we hope you enjoy their fabulous garden photos as much as we do.
Grand Prize Winner: Zinnia, Submitted By Tammy Travis
The spectacular grand prize winning shot shows the patience and time Tammy took to capture this moment perfectly.
Winner: Poppy (Papaver), Submitted By Connie Etter
We love this shot of a ladybug resting on a delicate poppy.
Winner: Sunflower, Submitted By Josie Tafoya
It's unclear who loves Sunflowers more; gardeners or bees?
Winner: Mexican Hat, Submitted By Christine Miller
A lovely capture of unique Mexican Hat (Ratibida) blooms.
Now that we’re almost into summer and your gardens are bursting in blooms, it’s time to start thinking about taking winning garden photos of your own! Learn everything you need to know about taking spectacular photos of your garden in our two part blog series:
Break-The-Internet Garden Photography Learn how to take memorable garden photos of plants, people, and pollinators using both either your phone or digital SLR camera.
Getting Great Garden Photos Once you have the basics, learn how to correct common beginner mistakes in your photography.
Our Summer Photo Contest is already underway; we look forward to seeing your garden photos and getting a chance to glimpse into your landscape.