Fireflies Forever Native Plant Collection
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Our Fireflies Forever Native Plant Collection will encourage fireflies and other pollinators to call your yard home. Our perennial collections are a great option for enhancing your existing garden or giving you a head start when planting a new garden. Repeat the collection to fill larger spaces. To make sure your garden is firefly friendly, it is important to eliminate pesticide use, turn off or dim outdoor lights at night, and leave sections of tall grass and moist, shady areas for the firefly larvae to make their home. They spend up to 2 years on the ground hunting garden pests like snails and slugs before they turn to the sky to delight us with their light show!
Pair with Ironweed, Swamp Milkweed, Asters, native grasses, Lobelia, and other moist meadow plants.
Our Fireflies Forever Native Plant Collection covers roughly 90 sq ft and includes 6 plants:
Shipped as Potted Plants:
1 x Buttonbush
1 x Common Boneset
1 x Northern Sea Oats
1 x 'Purple Dome' New England Aster
1 x Cardinal Flower
1 x 'Shenandoah Red' Switchgrass
*Plants are subject to change due to availability, and if we make substitutions, we feature plants with similar attributes suitable to the collection design.