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The Joy of Tulips

by Amanda

Tulips are the most popular Spring-Blooming Bulb and we're not surprised! Simply drop the bulbs into the ground in the fall and come spring, you will be met by a dazzling show of flowers blooming in all shapes, colors, and sizes. If you have any room in your garden beds, I definitely recommend tucking Tulipsin. They don't take up much room and create a show-stopping burst of early spring color.

As one of our amazing customers states, "I love Tulips and Daffodils because they mark the end of winter and the beginning of celebrating the outdoors." This is also one of the reasons I love Tulips. I anticipate the blooms every winter and can feel myself breathing a sigh of relief once I see the bright green stems shooting out of the thawing ground. If not for any other reason, plant Tulips to give yourself something beautiful to look forward to in the early spring.

If you love Tulips but don't want to plant each year, try the Perennial Darwin Tulips. These beauties come in all colors and are lovely put together for cheerful spring bouquets. If you want to add a unique splash of color to your spring garden, try Lily Flowered TulipsParrot Tulips, or Double Tulips. You will be surprised at how different the blooms of all these Tulips look! If you want long-lasting color throughout the spring season, plant early blooming varieties with late blooming varieties.

Fun Fact About Tulips: From 1634 to 1637 there was a period known as "Tulip Mania." There was such enthusiasm for the spring-flowering bulb that it started an economic frenzy. The value of Tulips shot up and became the most expensive flower in the world, even being treated as a form of currency.

What are your favorite Tulips? Please share in the comments below or on our Facebook Page.

Happy Gardening!

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