Showtime Hibiscus
Rose of Sharon, also known as Hibiscus syriacus is a great shrub for late summer blooms. Many gardeners wonder what is the difference between Hardy Hibiscus and Hibiscus syriacus. It’s pretty simple, Hardy Hibiscus and Hibiscus syriacus are hardy landscape shrubs. Both members of the hibiscus family. Able to tolerate zones 5-9. They produce larger shrubs and lovely large blooms in mid to late summer. They are easy to grow and can be pruned to control size in early spring. Best if planted in sun and well-draining soil.
Other types of Hibiscus are more tender and don’t tolerate colder temperatures. These are the tropical types such as Hibiscus rosa-sinensis or Chinese hibiscus. These are usually considered annuals and or live inside when frost threatens and cold temperatures.