Flamenco Trumpet Vine
SKU: AM014441
No longer available this season.
This Trumpet Vine provides rich, orange/red flowers that bloom from mid summer to late summer. Plant it in a spot where it has room to grow – it is perfect for covering arbors, fences, and walls. Flamenco’s vibrant flowers will also attract hummingbirds! (Campsis radicans)
key features
Botanical Name
Campsis radicans Flamenco
Native, Bee Friendly, Attracts Hummingbirds, Privacy
Growing Zones
Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9
Light Requirements
Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Soil Moisture
Mature Height
240-360" tall (20-30 feet)
Mature Spread
72-96" wide (6-8 feet)
Bloom Time
Early to late summer
20-30' tall x 6-8' wide. Flamenco is a native vine that boasts rich, orange/red flowers.
As many southern gardeners know, the famous trumpet creeper vine is a native of the southeastern states and the Gulf Coast. In its native range, it often scrambles up tall trees, and creates a blooming column, with stems reaching out from the tree trunk filled with beautiful bloom. However, in frost free areas, it can become rampant, and must be controlled.
In colder zones, it remains hardy, and grows only as far as it can in any season. The further south it is planted, the further it grows! This beautiful vine can be a great solution for fences or as a screen for unsightly areas. It is a long-lasting bloomer – it will bloom from early summer until frost.