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Wildflower Yard Annual Bold Color Seed Mix

SKU: AM017007
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Our Wildflower Yard Annual Bold Color Seed Mix will fill your yard with bright blooms all summer long. This low-growing mix features 9 annual wildflower varieties that grow no higher than 20 inches tall, so it’s perfect for borders, lawn replacement, and curb appeal. Easy-to-grow wildflowers bloom from spring all the way through frost, perfect for cut flowers and attracting pollinators. All of our seed is non-GMO, neonicotinoid-free, 100% pure, and guaranteed to grow.
key features
Bee Friendly, Attracts Butterflies, Easy To Grow, Low Maintenance, Long Bloom Time, Naturalizes, Cut Flowers, Mass Plantings
Growing Zones
Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9, Zone 10
Life Cycle
Light Requirements
Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Soil Moisture
Dry, Average, Moist / Wet
Seed Coverage
1/4 lb covers 250-500 sq ft.
1/2 lb covers 500-1,000 sq ft.
1 lb covers 1,000-2,000 sq ft.
5 lbs covers 5,000-10,000 sq ft.
10 lbs covers 10,000-25,000 sq ft.
25 lbs covers 1/2-1 acre.
50 lbs covers 1.5-2 acres.


Our Wildflower Yard Annual Bold Color Seed Mix will create a cheerful, colorful, and compact display in your yard. This mix features 9 annual varieties, both native and non-native, including Forget-Me-Nots, Baby Snapdragons, and Cornflowers. Easy-to-grow wildflowers make an excellent lawn alternative – they require little maintenance or supplemental water once they are established, and they only need to be mowed once per season, Plus, they attract butterflies, bees, and pollinators all summer. At manageable heights from 9 to 20 inches, the flowers in this mix won’t block your view, and may satisfy most lawn-height ordinances and HOA regulations. Annuals have a one-year life cycle, blooming just weeks after planting, and flowering through frost. Some annuals may reseed, but we recommend planting fresh seed each year for best results. (Formerly called Wildflower Lawn Seed Mix – Simplicity)

What's in this Mix

This mix includes 9 annual wildflowers for first-year color.

Img Botanical Name Common Name Life Cycle Color Height Bloom Season
Centaurea cyanus Dwarf Cornflower or Bachelor Button Annual Mix 18" Spring, Summer
Coreopsis tinctoria Dwarf Plains Coreopsis Annual Red 9" Summer, Fall
Cynoglossum amabile Chinese Forget Me Not Annual Blue 18" Summer
Placeholder Image Gazania splendens Gazania Annual Red, Yellow, Brown 14" Spring, Summer, Fall
Iberis umbellataIberis umbellataCandytuftPerennialMix12-18"Summer
Linaria maroccana Dwarf Baby Snapdragon Annual Mix 18" Spring, Summer
Malcolmia maritimaMalcolmia maritimaVirginia StockAnnualPurple4-6"Late Spring, Summer
Nemophila maculata Five Spot Annual Purple, White 12" Spring, Summer
Phlox drummondii Phlox drummondii Drummond Phlox Annual North America: Texas 8-20" Summer, Fall
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100% Pure Seed | Non-GMO

We’re Your Wildflower Experts

Our approach is simple ‐ for over 25 years we have offered gardeners only the best wildflower seeds, flower bulbs, perennial plants, clover and lawn seeds and flower seed packets for special occasions ‐ the ones we grow in our own gardens. We stand ready to help you grow with confidence!