First Arrival Itoh Peony
Intersectional Peonies are hybrids between woody Tree Peonies and herbaceous Garden peonies. These hybrids are relatively new creations, with the first successful intersectional crosses being made in 1948. These hybrids are called “Itoh peonies” after Mr. Toichi Itoh, a Japanese hybridizer who created the first intersectional Peony. the result is a disease resistant plant with a longer blooming season, due to their ability to produce preliminary and secondary buds once the plant is established. Its lower compact habit and sturdier stems allows it to support up to 30 flowers per well-established plant.
Intersection, or “Itoh” Peonies are very easy to grow in full to part sun in well-drained soil. Make sure the crowns are planted 1 to 2 inches deep and no deeper. If peonies are planted too deep, they may not bloom.