Passion Tulip Flower Bulb Collection
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Our Passion Tulip Collection not only gives the gardener an array of color – rosy pinks, plums and white – from mid through late spring, it also showcases a range of exquisite tulip forms. From the delicate pointed petals of lily-flowered hybrids to luxurious peony-flowered doubles, you’ll be thrilled with the combinations that have been professionally selected to fill the garden – and indoor vases – with color.
Our Passion Tulip Flower Bulb Collection will cover roughly 3 sq ft, and contains 31 bulbs:
10 x 'Elegant Lady' Lily Flowered Tulip
10 x 'White Emperor' Tulip
5 x 'Dream Touch' Double Late Tulip
6 x 'Black Parrot' Tulip
*Plants are subject to change due to availability. If we make substitutions, we feature plants with similar attributes suitable to the collection design.