Europa Astilbe
18-24” tall x 12-24” wide. A mid-size hybrid, ‘Europa’ astilbe won’t take over your shady garden, preferring to create a softly arching clump over time. ‘Europa’ foliage is a glossy mid-green, and in late spring or early summer, the plant blooms in shades of light pink. It can tolerate full sun in the cool north, but in the south, give it morning sun only. Like all astilbes, the tiny blossoms are held in soft plumes above the pinnate foliage. Its fibrous root system doesn’t appreciate periods of drought, so to keep foliage thriving, make sure that ‘Europa’ is sited in consistently moist soils near stream or pond banks, or at the edge of a shady wetland. A great pairing for large-leaved shade plants such as hosta, or with other later-flowering astilbe for weeks of color. Astilbe is rarely browsed by deer.